Sunday 22 May 2011

Element of Shuffle For Bouncing Dubstep

The versatility of Dubstep music nowadays give us all so much room to be bold with our sounds and rhythms that we can literally adjust the hats kicks and snares to have a shuffled rhythm that would put a Benga beat to shame. This can be done in two ways;
One way to add a simple yet effective shuffle is to use the swing tool on FL Studio....

Drag the swing bar across whilst playing your drumline until you can hear a definite swing, as soon as you get a bouncy sound leave it and work your track around the swing.
Another way that a shuffle can be added to your track is to manually input your drums. In any DAW you will be able to enter some alternative to the piano roll on FL Studio and manually input drums were you want them to be. Be creative with this process take your time and place hats in un-original places that will make the beat shuffle, make sure that the track isnt completely off as this will sound messy but just enough so you can feel the swing.

Some styles of dubstep are straight to the point kick snare, but other high level producers are swing masters and can produce a shuffle sound that will make you dance all night long. Just take your time, use your head and if the shuffle makes you dance no doubt it will make everyone else on the floor dance to.

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