Tuesday 17 May 2011

An Introduction To Music

To me music is a thing of beauty, a lifestyle..... a passion. It has a way of making one feel deep emotions, whether it be through the words expressed in a song or just the melodies floating into your ears, music finds a way of getting to your soul. A drum can make you dance, a guitar can express love and the spoken word can make you cry... Music itself is an emotion.

It doesnt matter whether you like jazz music or dubstep all genres of music have an emotion inside it, the trick is to find what exhilarates you and include your emotions in the music you create. Once you find what genre you want to create search for it, look deep into it, literally live it. Take what you find on the genre and slice your own interpretation of the sound into what you create, never be afraid to put something out just because it sounds different, that is what the music scene thrives on. There would have been a day when house music was unheard of but there was one musician who dared to be different and now it is muched loved by many... always be yourself.

I am a computer based artist so most of my music is produced using software based instruments (VST's, Samples Etc)  and DAW's (Digital Audio Workstation) I use a variety of programs a few being FL Studio, Propeller Head Reason, Sony Acid/Sound Forge and Cubase. To be totally honest it doesnt matter what program you use as long as you can create the sound you had rattling in your head. If you spend to much time on trying to figure out which each button does or if the program doesnt fit your work flow then move on to another because the main idea is to get the sound down that you want.

You don't need to be a professional piano player to get an elegant melody and you don't need to be a drummer to achieve a foot tapping drum line, the fact that you listen to music and understand what each instrument is will be sufficiant knowledge to start producing your desired sound.

A suggestion would be to start with FL Studio as an easy on the eyes software for producers of all abilities, I personally use it and the results can be incredible. Some will say that its not ideal for them as they rather a different one and thats okay, the key is to try out all of the DAW's available and see what is comfortable for you.

Most of my tutorials will be on using FL Studio as that's what I mainly use but as I say it doesn't matter what you use its all down to you, be creative.


  1. Totally agree bro music is a passion ... Was looking for info on EQ an stumbled across your blog ..... I use Ableton live , but im sure the fundamentals of music production apply to all DAWs ..... be keen to hear some of your tracks ....Shots

  2. Hey hows it going? Thanks for the comment, I do totally agree with the fundamentals being the same, as you probably already know every DAW has its own interpretation on how music should be made but once you have found one that you know and love the possibilities are endless. I posted up a little about EQ as I found it interesting my self but I would like to go into it in more detail as this page progresses. If you ever have a question or need any help please dont hesitate to ask. Btw my dubstep projects are all on youtube, I go by the name Staffy & Maverick if you fancy searching it. Cheers mate hope to hear from you soon. Craig.
